Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center
6099 T.C. Walker Road
DECEMBER 9, 2014
7:00 P.M.


Agenda Packet


I. Call to Order and Roll Call - Mr. Randy Burak, Chair and Mr. John Hutchinson, Acting Clerk -Action

II. Call for Closed Meeting - Mr. Burak - Action - Pursuant to Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Section 2.2-3711, (A), Subsection 1, for the discussion of personnel matters (monthly appointments, resignations, etc.)

III. Return to Open Meeting/Certification of Closed Meeting - Mr. Burak and Ms. Diane Clements Gamache, Clerk - Action - Board to reconvene into open session and certify that the Gloucester County School Board, while in closed session, discussed only public matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements provided in subsection A of Section 2.2-3711; and that only public business matters that were identified in the motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered.  Note:  Clerk to conduct poll vote on certification.

IV. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance - Mr. Burak and Ms. Campbell Farina

V. Personnel Items - Mr. Burak - Action
A. Approval of Monthly Personnel Appointments, Resignations, Etc.

VI. Additions/Changes/Adoption of Agenda - Dr. Walter Clemons and Mr. Burak - Action

VII. Approval of Items Contained in the Consent Agenda - Mr. Burak - Action (By Poll Vote)
A. Approval of Minutes of November 5, 2014 Special (3-Member Panel Hearing) Meeting
B. Approval of Minutes of November 11, 2014, Monthly Meeting
C. Approval of Policy Manual Update (1st/2nd Readings)
2. IF-R: Program of Studies (revision)
D. Informational Central Food Service Financial Report as of October 31, 2014
E. Informational Membership Report as of November 21 , 2014
F. Informational Suspension Report for November, 2014
G. Informational Visiting Teachers Report for November, 2014
H. Informational Transportation Report for November, 2014

VIII. Staff Presentations/Recognitions - Mr. Burak - Information
A. Presentation of Diplomas to GHS Winter Graduates - Ms. Toni Childress, Mr. Nate Collins and Mr. Burak
B. Recognition of Mr. Rusty West, Project Lead the Way Teacher - Dr. Chuck Wagner
C. Updates on Boards/Commissions - SB Members

XII. School Board Members’ Items - SB Members
A. VSBA Capital Conference - Monday, January 26, 2015 @ Richmond Marriott @ $170 per person (The Clerk would like to know if any SB members would like to attend for pre-registration purposes) - Mr. Burak - Information
B. Adoption of Resolution re: Funding of Public Education in Virginia - Mr. Burak - Action
C. Other Matters as brought up by Board Members
1. Discussion of Use of Restrooms/Locker Room Facilities - Mrs. Carla Hook  (Note: Action on this item was postponed at the November 11, 2014, monthly meeting)

IX. Citizens’ Comment Period - Mr. Burak (Speakers are asked to state their name, the      district in which they reside and limit their remarks to 3-5 minutes, to be determined by the Chairperson)

X. Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Items - Ms. Farina

XI. Superintendent’s Items - Dr. Clemons
A. Comprehensive Plan Update/Reminder of Next Meeting Date - Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 7:00 pm @ the Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center (Cafeteria)
B. Discussion of Possible Additional Budget Meeting w/Board of Supervisors - Information

XIII. Human Resources Items - Dr. Juanita Smith
A. Monthly Departmental Report - Information

XIV. Administrative Items - Mr. Hutchinson
A. Monthly Departmental Report - Information
B. Update on Redistricting Plans - Information
C. Policy JHCH: School Meals and Snacks (new)

XV. Instructional Items - Dr. Wagner
A. Monthly Departmental Report - Information
B. Continued Discussion on Field Trip Policy (Policy IICA) - Information
C. Update on Naviance - Information

XVI. Budget and Finance Items - Ms. Joanne Wright
A. Monthly Departmental Report - Information
B. Acceptance of Donations  - Action
C. Informational Financial Reports:
1. October 30, 2014, Financial Report
2. November 25, 2014, Construction Financial Report
3. November 25, 2014, HVAC/Roof Financial Report

XVII. Public Announcements - Mr. Burak - Information
A. Next GCPS Comprehensive Plan Meeting - Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 7:00 pm @ the Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center (Cafeteria)
B. Winter Break-Division Closed - Monday-Friday, December 22, 2014-January 2, 2015 - Note: Monday-Tuesday, December 22 (Full)-23 (Half), 2014, are 12-Month Employee Work Days
C. Teachers/Students Return from Winter Break - Monday, January 5, 2015
D. Next Monthly and Annual Organizational School Board Meeting - Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 7:00 pm @ the Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center (Auditorium)

XVIII. Call for Adjournment - Mr. Burak - Action
No Item Selected