Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center Auditorium
6099 T. C. Walker Road
Gloucester, VA 23061

Call to Order and Roll Call – Mr. Troy Andersen, Chairperson and Carol Dehoux, Clerk – Action

Mr. Andersen – Action – Pursuant to  Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Section 2.2-3711, (A), Subsection 1, to consider the Human Resources Director’s recommendations for employment (appointments and resignations) of administrators, teachers, principals, and associated support staff.

Mr. Andersen and Ms. Carol Dehoux, Clerk – Action – Board to reconvene into open session and certify that the Gloucester County School Board, while in closed session, discussed only public matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements provided in Subsection A of Section 2.2-3711 and that only public business matters that were identified in the motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered.  Note: Clerk to conduct poll vote on certification.

Mr. Andersen – Action
A.    Approval of Monthly Personnel Appointments, Resignations

Mr. Andersen and Pledge Leader

Dr. Anthony Vladu, Superintendent
A.    Seniors of the Month
B.    Community Volunteer of the Month 
C.    Accent on Academics - Peasley M.S. Student Council Assoc. & 7th Grade Life Science


Mr. Andersen
A.    VSBA Eastern Region Forum – March 5, 2024 at Westmoreland H.S. at 5:00 p.m. (Please notify Ms. Dehoux by February 21, 2024 to be registered.) - Information
B.    Committees/Boards/Commissions Updates from Board Members 

Dr. Vladu and Mr. Andersen – Action

Mr. Andersen – Action (By Poll Vote)
A.    Informational Central Food Service Financial Report as of December 2023
B.    Approval of Draft Minutes of December 12, 2023 School Board Monthly Meeting
C.    Approval of Draft Minutes of January 18, 2024 School Board Budget Work Session
D.    Informational Membership Report as of January 2024
E.    Informational Visiting Teachers Report for January 2024
F.    Informational Discipline Report for January 2024
G.    Approval of Disposal of Equipment Valued in Excess of $500
H.    Approval of School Bus Request for 2024 Daffodil Festival
I.    Informational Operational Department Monthly Report
J.    Informational Budget and Finance Department Monthly Report
K.    Informational Human Resource Department Monthly Report

Clara Dodier-Fernandez, SAC Representative

Mr. Andersen
A.    Presentation in Honor of School Board Appreciation Month – Felicia Hudgins, Botetourt E.S. Principal
B.    Gloucester High School Career & Technical Education Presentation – Dr. Stefan Mygas, Principal

Speakers are asked to state their name, the district in which they reside and limit their remarks to 3 - 5 minutes per citizen (non-deferrable), to be determined by the Chairperson. – Mr. Andersen

PLEASE NOTE:   Pre-recorded call in comments may be given by submitting comments using the following link: or calling (804) 693-5842 beginning Friday, February 9, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. through Monday, February 12, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. and leaving a message.  Any messages deemed inappropriate will not be heard during the meeting.  

Dr. Vladu

  1. Recognition of February 5 – 9, 2024 as National School Counseling Week – Information
  2. Recognition of February12 – 16, 2024 as Virginia Kindness Week – Information
  3. Recognition of February as Black History Month – Information
  4. Recognition of February as School Board Appreciation Month
  5. Recognition of February 12-16, 2024 as School Board Clerk Appreciation Week

Dr. Vladu and Dr. Diron Ford, Director of Secondary Instruction
A.    Multi-Tier Support System (MTSS) Presentation by Dr. Patricia McMahon, Special Education Program Support Coordinator - Information

Mr. Bryan Hartley, Director of Operations
A.    CIP Update – Charles Records, Construction Manager – Information 
B.    Policy Manual Updates/Revisions/Deletions/Adoptions (1st Reading; 1st/2nd Reading or 2nd Reading) – Information/Possible Action 

Policy Revisions
FECBA Energy Efficient Construction
FF Public Dedication of New Facilities
GBA Harassment and Retaliation (Also JFHA)
JFHA Harassment and Retaliation (Also GBA)

Regulation Revision
BFC-R School Board Process and Procedure for Presenting Policies, Regulations,
and/or Forms for Adoption, Revision, and/or Deletion

Table of Contents Deletion
Policy Manual Introduction

Ms. Heather Lucas, Chief Financial Officer     
A.    Financial Report for December 2023 – Information
B.    Acceptance of Donations – Action
C.    State Funding Discussion - Information

Mr. Andersen – Information
A.    Monday, February 19, 2024 – Early Dismissal Day (Middle -12:20; High 12:30: Elementary – 1:30)
B.    Thursday, February 22, 2024 – School Board Budget Work Session (Superintendent’s Proposed Budget) at the Colonial Court House, 6504 Main Street, Gloucester, VA @ 6:00 p.m.  
C.    Tuesday, March 12, 2024 – School Board Monthly Meeting at TCWEC Aud. @ 6:00 p.m.

Mr. Andersen – Action